Thursday, July 24, 2008

Follow up on Dr. Visit

She told me that she wanted to go ahead and set up an appointment with a foot doc. just to be sure for about 3 wks. from now. What she hopes is that he will start walking before then, and she said she sees no reason why he shouldn't. The way he climbs and crawls all suggest that he should be able to, but for whatever reason he just hasn't let go to do it. One thing she did notice was that he is a little bit flat footed but she said that isn't something to worry about right now. She also told me to let him try to learn barefooted, I thought that it would be better to put shoes on him, but she doesn't think so.

If you look at his feet in this picture you can see what I mean when I say his feet turn outward.

She said that alot of what Sam is doing is just his personality, but to keep giving him opportunities to tell me why he doesn't want to. Hopefully when he starts verbalizing why he is shy or scared to do something then he will gradually learn to talk through his fears and I can reinforce that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Last night he went to class with the new teacher he has been afraid of!!!!
I told him that if he feels scared and needs help that I would be in the classroom right beside him and he could come and get me. His teacher said he would say over and over "I hear my momma" "That's my momma right dere" When he came out of class he was soooo proud of himself, he said "I didn't need momma's help, I did it all by myself" He kept smiling and hugging me all night even after church and he ran to tell his dad.

It is so precious to me that he wanted to do good, but he was really afraid. Maybe we are getting somewhere. Prayer REALLY makes a difference, thanks for those of you who said a prayer for us.

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