And as you can see...the Cubbies were blasted. But I stayed to the very end, sporting my new ball cap and rooting for the home team to make a comeback. I guess it was a shame.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I really am just tired of writing right now, so I will just share some pictures. In Chicago this week on business, and was able to make it to the top of the Sears Tower, and to Wrigley Field to watch the Cubs. I had a blast at both of these outings, but the Cubs game was just great…my seats were about 12 rows up from the Cubs dugout, and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam threw out the first pitch and sung “Take me out to the Ball Game”. The Cubs were blasted by the Nationals, but lots of scoring and lots of fun. 
Yes...this is me sitting and standing on the floor number 103 of the Sears Tower. Over 1000 feet above the ground below sitting on this glass floor. And let me tell you, that first step over the edge onto the glass is very scary for an acrophobiac.
Even tho it looks like I was photoshopped in...I did make it and it was great.
OK I don't have a good zoom...but the scruffy guy in the middle is Eddie Vedder.

And as you can see...the Cubbies were blasted. But I stayed to the very end, sporting my new ball cap and rooting for the home team to make a comeback. I guess it was a shame.
And as you can see...the Cubbies were blasted. But I stayed to the very end, sporting my new ball cap and rooting for the home team to make a comeback. I guess it was a shame.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Guys Day at the Zoo
Magan was up all night last Friday doing the “Kids Market crazy lady sleeping all night in a parking lot so she gets in early to the sale” thing. So I woke up with the Boys last Saturday and decided to take them to the zoo.
It happened to be the Birmingham Fire Department day, so Sam and Davis were excited to see 6 firetrucks, 2 ambulances, and the fire dog (Dalmatian). We planned to have a quick day at the zoo, and the boys were excited to play in the water part.
We began by going to the children’s zoo area where we were able to pet the large snake. Well, Sam and I pet the large snake…Davis wanted no part in the slithery devil. But the boys did enjoy getting to pet the goats and sheep.
We then walked through the Alabama section…and there is a little tunnel area that you can look up into a glass dome and it feels like you are actually in the snake’s area. Pretty cool display. Sam and I looked around for the snake and found it staring at us from just across the glass. Davis, being brave asked to see it, …and as soon as he saw how close it was…immediately kicked his legs and said he wanted down.
The boys then played for awhile in the water, and as they were shivering after playing for about 30 minutes, I realized that I forgot the towels. No problem tho…I just used my shirt to dry them off, and then the boys wanted to go see more animals. I love seeing the animals, and it makes me very happy that they also like to walk around to see them too.

Luckily, we were able to get to the Rhino encounter as the two new rhinos were being brushed. Sam and Davis had no fear…we walked in and they got to brush the 4000 lb animals. Pretty neat. Per the zoo helper, the Rhinos roll around in the mud and dirt which acts as a sunscreen for their skin, but then they enjoy the keepers and volunteers, such as Sam and Davis, brushing the dirt off because it feels so good. Sam sported the backwards shirt look for the remainder of the day after playing in the water...see below...Yes, I told him it was backwards, but that is they way he liked it, and who knows...maybe that will be the fashion one day.

Lunch at Chappy’s and back home…
It happened to be the Birmingham Fire Department day, so Sam and Davis were excited to see 6 firetrucks, 2 ambulances, and the fire dog (Dalmatian). We planned to have a quick day at the zoo, and the boys were excited to play in the water part.
We began by going to the children’s zoo area where we were able to pet the large snake. Well, Sam and I pet the large snake…Davis wanted no part in the slithery devil. But the boys did enjoy getting to pet the goats and sheep.
The boys then played for awhile in the water, and as they were shivering after playing for about 30 minutes, I realized that I forgot the towels. No problem tho…I just used my shirt to dry them off, and then the boys wanted to go see more animals. I love seeing the animals, and it makes me very happy that they also like to walk around to see them too.
Luckily, we were able to get to the Rhino encounter as the two new rhinos were being brushed. Sam and Davis had no fear…we walked in and they got to brush the 4000 lb animals. Pretty neat. Per the zoo helper, the Rhinos roll around in the mud and dirt which acts as a sunscreen for their skin, but then they enjoy the keepers and volunteers, such as Sam and Davis, brushing the dirt off because it feels so good. Sam sported the backwards shirt look for the remainder of the day after playing in the water...see below...Yes, I told him it was backwards, but that is they way he liked it, and who knows...maybe that will be the fashion one day.
Lunch at Chappy’s and back home…
Friday, August 21, 2009
My sweet Boys and a New Baby Girl
Yes, I am alive, lol!
I have been trying to squeeze in as many picture sessions, appointments, shopping trips, etc. in as I can. I know how tired and pregnant those last few months feel and I am trying to get as much done as I can before that point.
Because it has been a while since I posted, I am going to be writing random little tidbits that I personally want to remember.
I have not written the first post about being pregnant, sorry baby girl :)
It has been a great pregnancy from the second trimester on. The first trimester had me feeling nausiated and really tired. I have loved pickles, sour cream and onion, and most things salty. But ice creamy things have also been a big part of my diet, not to mention they keep down that terrible heartburn. Where I loved ketchup and fried things with the boys, I have wanted more salads and veggies with you.
I thought you were a girl early on but didn't want to say it. I had never felt that sick with the boys and what I wanted to eat was so different.
I have always loved sharing the baby moving and the excitment of being pregnant with Scott. This time that love has grown by two more little faces! Both boys give me belly kisses and hugs and talk to her. It is the sweetest thing.
After changing Davis' diaper he sat up and looked at my belly, he pointed and said "Baby Belly"
I asked if he wanted to give his baby sister a hug and sugar.
He did and looked up and giggled a little and said "She gave Davis sugar"
I am really glad that he now knows that she is in my Belly! Until my belly started rounding out when you asked him "where's the baby" he would point to my boobs, : )
Sam has been even sweeter b/c he understands more. He and I got in my bed after nap time the other day to snuggle for a little bit. She started kicking a lot and I asked him if he wanted to feel her. He put his little hand on my belly and kept looking back at me and smiling every time he felt her. Then she kicked really hard and he started laughing and said "Mom that was a GIANT kick!"
He also loves when I tell him that she likes something that he has done. We were dancing in the car the other day to a song and I told him she was dancing with us and he thought that was hilarious. So innocent and sweet!
On a side note, I won some tickets to AL Adventure and we finally got to go this past Sat. We all had a blast in the morning riding the rides. My heart did feel like it was sinking when all three of my boys went so high in the ferris wheel they almost touched the clouds. From the ground it looks like they are on top of the Empire State building or something. All I could think was, HOLD ON TO THOSE BABIES SCOTT!!!!
They loved the kiddie rides but Sam loved the Thunderbolt ( I think that's the name )
It is the one that goes Really fast forward and then stops and goes backwards Really fast and has loud music playing the whole time. Since it was the second ride he rode, I thought it would ruin him and he wouldn't want to ride anything else. I couldn't believe it when I saw a grinning face walking off of that crazy ride! Scott said he LOVED it!
After lunch we went to the water park area. I didn't bring a change of clothes nor a swimsuit, b/c I didn't realize there was soooo much for them to do over there. So I sat for about 4 hours in the heat of the day with only two $3 drinks. I kept putting off getting something else to drink b/c I thought we would leave soon, but we kept playing and playing. I left there feeling thoughts of what hell will be like for those who are so thirsty and need a drink.
Never again will I be stuck like that again! It was soooo miserable! I would have LOVED being in that lazy river or playing in the sprinklers with the boys!
I didn't ride anything that day, b/c I didn't think it was worth chancing. As we got home I was talking to Davis asking him if he had fun and he was all excited telling me which rides he liked best.
I told him I wish I could have rode with him and looked right at me and said "Momma you too big" I laughed : )
One more tid bit, they rode the kiddie roller coaster and Davis whined and screamed the whole time. Scott went to get him off and he said "Sam and Davis went super fast!"
Scott thought, hmmmm maybe he did like it and wants to ride again. So he asked him and Davis quickly said "Nooooo!"
Guess he had gone fast enough. I think Sam rode it two more times in a row after that. Sam loves going fast on those crazy things!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sam and Davis love their granddaddy, and really enjoyed the visit with him and Granny this last weekend. They were about to come join us for bible study and worship on Sunday night. Granddaddy had on his tie and had recently cut his short curly hair. They ate supper with us after church at one of the boy's favorite places...Cracker Barrel. Luckily Sam and Davis kept all of the pancakes in their bellies.
But...on to the fun story of what happened tonight after church. Magan was tucking the kids in bed as I was getting on-line on the computer. I happened to be at the Bellsouth main website which scrolls through pictures of the latest top news stories with a picture. And this is when Davis came running to me for his nighttime hugs and sugars. He jumped up in my lap and gave me a big hug, then turned towards the computer and smiled his sweet smile and said "Granddaddy!!" I looked at the picture showing as Magan came up and saw as well and we both started laughing. Thinking that Davis just did not have enough time to see the picture well, I told him to look again (the pictures had started scrolling to another news story by this time) and tell me if he sees Granddaddy. And then as soon as this picture popped up again...

Davis smiled and said "It's Granddaddy".
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It’s a Girl!...?...
Actually the message was provided to us by the nurse preceded by “yep, there’s the three lines”. Not being prepared for this technical jargon, I remained stunned throughout the delivery of the message that I would be having a girl.
I don’t know what to feel at times in life that others are so excited. The standard congratulations are given by all, with a general excitement that is overwhelmingly toppled by my anxiety over the unknown. I think there is just something within me that wants a boy because I am one, but now I have produced a female which, similar to the popular “Kid Sister” dolls of the 80s, seemed to be better friends with the girls. The commercials never showed little Scotty running up to grab his kid sister doll, No, he had the “My Buddy”. Therefore society has not prepared me for this news.
Magan has explained to me different things to be aware of for our little girl as she is an infant and toddler….I have read Stephen King’s book Carrie at the age of 11 leaving me quite troubled about female adolescence…and have observed my sister through the later teen years…and all of these thoughts are bouncing through my head causing a slight dizziness as I smiled and left the doctor’s office.
But now as I write this, I remember the smile on my friend Andrew Neal’s face as he tells me stories about his little girls…I remember that Carrie was just a work of fiction, and that my little girl most likely will not develop telekinetic powers and set fire to her classmates after having bad adolescent experiences…and see my teenage sister is now grown into a hard-working young lady…and I know I am ready to see my little girl.
I love her already. I look forward to meeting my little princess. Look forward to waiting in the hour and ½ lines to see Tinkerbell. Look forward to spoiling her…just a bit. Look forward to holding that little hand and knowing she may be my only hope of staying out of a nursing home.

I don’t know what to feel at times in life that others are so excited. The standard congratulations are given by all, with a general excitement that is overwhelmingly toppled by my anxiety over the unknown. I think there is just something within me that wants a boy because I am one, but now I have produced a female which, similar to the popular “Kid Sister” dolls of the 80s, seemed to be better friends with the girls. The commercials never showed little Scotty running up to grab his kid sister doll, No, he had the “My Buddy”. Therefore society has not prepared me for this news.
Magan has explained to me different things to be aware of for our little girl as she is an infant and toddler….I have read Stephen King’s book Carrie at the age of 11 leaving me quite troubled about female adolescence…and have observed my sister through the later teen years…and all of these thoughts are bouncing through my head causing a slight dizziness as I smiled and left the doctor’s office.
But now as I write this, I remember the smile on my friend Andrew Neal’s face as he tells me stories about his little girls…I remember that Carrie was just a work of fiction, and that my little girl most likely will not develop telekinetic powers and set fire to her classmates after having bad adolescent experiences…and see my teenage sister is now grown into a hard-working young lady…and I know I am ready to see my little girl.
I love her already. I look forward to meeting my little princess. Look forward to waiting in the hour and ½ lines to see Tinkerbell. Look forward to spoiling her…just a bit. Look forward to holding that little hand and knowing she may be my only hope of staying out of a nursing home.
We did not have any pictures scanned in of baby Cowgirl (Sam's name for her), but Magan did take some pictures of the boys preparing for the new baby...
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