Saturday, August 22, 2009

Guys Day at the Zoo

Magan was up all night last Friday doing the “Kids Market crazy lady sleeping all night in a parking lot so she gets in early to the sale” thing. So I woke up with the Boys last Saturday and decided to take them to the zoo.

It happened to be the Birmingham Fire Department day, so Sam and Davis were excited to see 6 firetrucks, 2 ambulances, and the fire dog (Dalmatian). We planned to have a quick day at the zoo, and the boys were excited to play in the water part.

We began by going to the children’s zoo area where we were able to pet the large snake. Well, Sam and I pet the large snake…Davis wanted no part in the slithery devil. But the boys did enjoy getting to pet the goats and sheep. We then walked through the Alabama section…and there is a little tunnel area that you can look up into a glass dome and it feels like you are actually in the snake’s area. Pretty cool display. Sam and I looked around for the snake and found it staring at us from just across the glass. Davis, being brave asked to see it, …and as soon as he saw how close it was…immediately kicked his legs and said he wanted down.

The boys then played for awhile in the water, and as they were shivering after playing for about 30 minutes, I realized that I forgot the towels. No problem tho…I just used my shirt to dry them off, and then the boys wanted to go see more animals. I love seeing the animals, and it makes me very happy that they also like to walk around to see them too.

Luckily, we were able to get to the Rhino encounter as the two new rhinos were being brushed. Sam and Davis had no fear…we walked in and they got to brush the 4000 lb animals. Pretty neat. Per the zoo helper, the Rhinos roll around in the mud and dirt which acts as a sunscreen for their skin, but then they enjoy the keepers and volunteers, such as Sam and Davis, brushing the dirt off because it feels so good. Sam sported the backwards shirt look for the remainder of the day after playing in the water...see below...Yes, I told him it was backwards, but that is they way he liked it, and who knows...maybe that will be the fashion one day.

Lunch at Chappy’s and back home…

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