Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day at the Zoo

Magan was doing her late night shopping for Kids Mart (She was there at 2:00AM and got home around 8:00AM), so I decided to take the kids to the Zoo so she could rest. Katie had spent the night with us, so she rode with me to the Zoo, and the plans were that Magan would meet us later in Katie’s car.

It was really great to sit and talk with Katie on the ride to the zoo. I can’t remember the last time we were able to sit and talk. We began our trip to the zoo in the Lorikeet petting area. We were the only ones in there and I was having little luck getting the birds to show to the kids, so I went and bought some nectar. Apparently they had not had bfast, because I had about 6 birds on me at once and all very thirsty. Sam and Davis held the nectar while I held the birds.

I was finally able to get Sam to hold the bird, but then when I put a bird on Davis’ shoulder and that bird starting licking his neck…He starting screaming and knocked that bird off his shoulder. It was hilarious. Belle loved the birds, but was a little too ready to grab one.

We then walked around the nature trail, and pet some animals in the barn. Katie played with the boys while I pushed Anabelle around a bit. Then we went to meet Magan at Chappy’s.

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