Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Day with Davis in the Caves

I took vacation from work to get to spend some time with Davis. I know I have had a lot of days where it was just me and Sam in the past, and I wanted to spend some time just me and him. Since I was home, my day began with getting Sam ready for the school bus in the morning. It was fun seeing him so excited to get on the bus.

When I got back to the house, Davis was up and ready for our day. We just played a little around the house, then we had to start getting ready to meet Sam for lunch. Davis was very excited to go to the big school and eat lunch with his brother. Sam eats lunch at 10:13AM, so we had to get to school pretty early. On the turn into Chelsea Park, Davis told me that this was the right way to go because “Magan goes this way too”.

We signed in at the school office and waited for Mrs. Garrett’s class. They are the first class for lunch so we saw them coming from way down the hall. As soon as they were near and Davis spotted Sam, he ran up to him and gave him a bear hug. Sam couldn’t help but smile and all his friends were smiling to and asking “Is this your brother?” We then went and got our chicken nuggets (I think?), pudding, and pears.

It was really fun, Sam was relaxed and talking with me and Davis quite a bit. After lunch all of Sam’s class had to line up against the wall, and Davis just joined right in. I think he is ready for class.

After leaving Sam, Davis and I drove down to Childersburg to visit the Desoto Caverns. We were two of four on our caverns tour, and Davis was pretty frightened from the initial descent into the tunnel. He got excited when he saw the cave and throughout the tour he seemed scared then slightly OK with things. Then we got to watch the light show, which was pretty terrifying to Davis, especially when they turned out ALL of the lights. Total Darkness…this was not fun to little Dave. “I’m ready to get out of here” he kept saying to me. But he did like visiting the “Bat Room”, and told me that is where batman and robin live. He also got excited to see the Bugs Bunny room, where many of the formations looked like carrots. But in the end, he liked the cave, but was ready to leave as soon as possible.

We left the cave and bought him a souvenir marble ($0.25, I am glad they like cheap toys). Then we played in the fountains until it was time to go get in car line and pick Sam up at school. Davis fell asleep about as soon as we got on the road. It was a fun trip with my little crazy boy.

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