Our baby girl is growing faster than I can breathe!!!!
I love her so much it hurts and makes me tear up!
Some of her favorite new tricks are:
CRAWLING (on her hands a knees as opposed to to belly sliding just started that this week Sept.20th-24th)
Waving (like a beauty queen)
Clapping (while singing if you're happy and you know it

Blowing out the light in the song, This Little Light of Mine
Trying to pick eveything she can find up with her little point finger and thumb to eat

Crawling to get the wires under the computer desk

Watching Elmo
Growing her first tooth (it broke through on Aug 9th)

Pulling up in her bed and on some things around the house (she pulls up in her bed at night and cries with her eyes closed, b/c she can't figure out how to lay back down) Oh, it is so cute yet so annoying, lol!

Saying DaDa, Bye Bye, Hey, and MaMa (every now and then)
Giving "sugar" on the cheek with a wide open mouth and toungue

Quite a list I know, but I haven't written in a while.
She sleeps through the night pretty well, but usually needs a feeding at about 5:00-6:00.
She still smiles ALL of the time and makes you feel special when you enter the room, like she had been waiting for just you : )
It feels like the past 9 months have flown by over night, you are the most perfect daughter, I LOVE YOU BELLE!

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