Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Year Older and Another McWane Trip

Magan took me out to my favorite place to eat on Monday for my birthday (I turned the big 31). We went to PF Changs and had some great chinese food. She even bought me a strawberry cake from Edgars Bakery....Yumm. Everything was great, and we had a great time.
Tonight I got to take the kids to the McWane Center while Magan went to her bi-annual shopping extravaganza at Kids Market. She will be there all night, so here I am at home and figured I would share some pictures of our little trip. It was a blast, we were 1 of about 3 families in the place, so we basically just ran around and did whatever we wanted.
I thought this was pretty cool. It was a room and with different angles that makes Sam look very BIG, and Davis look very small. Pretty neat, this is the same movie trick used in the Willy Wonka movie.

We also learned about Bernoullis principle that a high velocity flow of air can surround a light weight object and cause it to appear to float.Belle got to play a little, but mostly just stayed bundled up laughing at her brothers. And Indiana Davis was able to locate the bones of the McWaneasaurus.

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