So he got his supper to eat on the couch in front of the AL ballgame. Every time I walk through, I see a little Belle standing on his knee begging for bites like a little bird. Then as soon as the food is gone I walk through to see her in his lap laughing.
I was working in the kitchen unloading and reloading the dish washer. Scott was in the living room still trying to watch the AL football game and folding clothes.

I was listening from the kitchen as the kids interrupted him over and over and then I hear him getting their teeth brushed and hurrying them to bed.
I am laughing to myself thinking that he must be trying to get back to the game so that he can watch it without any more interruptions from little people. (I had already put Belle to bed for the night)
Then I hear him taking time to tell them the story of Daniel in the Lions Den. Immediately following the story Davis says "Hey Dad, after prayers can you tell us anoder (another) story?"
I expect him to say no not tonight, b/c I know that the game is still playing in the living room. Instead I hear, we'll see. Then as the prayers take longer and longer b/c Sam doesn't want to sit up and Davis wants to tell him everything her wants to pray about before actually praying, I think, there is no way he'll be telling that second story now.
A few minutes later I hear the voice of Mr. Meoggi (I have no idea how to spell that) and the story of Karate Kid coming from their bedroom. After a few more giggles and a few good nights, he finally makes it back to see the end of the ballgame.
I know that this is a rare event among the male population, that is why I felt the need to write it down. My husband is patient, kind, and selfless in so many ways.
I LOVE HIM, he is the very best Dad to our sweet kids. I love my Famiwy, (as Davis would say) !!!!! Thank you Lord, for all 4 blessings!

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