Saturday, May 12, 2012

John's Wedding

Another month, another wedding.  And sometimes you write a blog and it very well written then it does not save properly and it is all lost, then you attempt to recreate what was written well the first time....aggghhhhh. Very frustrated right now.  K, I will try again, but not really up to it this time.

John and Sha got married, and she was labeled as the most calm bride ever, but I saw her up front during the ceremony, and she was definitely making some weird nervous faces.

Magan did an excellent job with the canopy at the reception, and with a minor coat hanger modification by granddaddy, it stayed up and did not fall into the cakes.

John did lose his keys for a bit during the reception which allowed for some decorating to commence.  Me, Sam, Colby, and Mark did a pretty good job I think.  The kicker being a masking taped wallet and purse.  In the end, their car was very safe and should not be having any babies soon.

And finally....Mark's revenge.  The plan was simple...get Shee' in the car then cover John with birdseed, and with a large bag of seed, Mark unloaded on John.  It was a fun day, and good day for them to begin their life together.

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