Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kids Say the Cutest Things

I have a few kid stories I have to share and don't want to ever forget :)
We went to McWane Center with Marcia the other day and she took the boys and Ade to show them a different floor while mom and I watched the baby girls upstairs.  She took the kids over to see a stuffed hawk.  She showed them his talons and told them how he would catch his food and eat it with those sharp talons because he liked to eat meat.  Davis looked straight at her and said "AM I made of meat?!?!"

Sam was telling me about a contest at school.  There were two teams and there were rewards set for the winner.  Team one would get to hear a Justin Beiber song and Team two a Star Wars song.  He was so excited and I told him, I bet I know which team you are on.  He said "Yeah, I am on the Justin Beaver team"  I said "WHY!!!!"  He said "MOM, it's a singing Beaver named Justin, that is the coolest!"

Belle is pottying SO well, I feel like I need to pinch myself to believe it!  I  really have to point that out :)  I do also want to say that she LOVES sitting on the potty and sings Jesus loves me most of the time while she is sitting there.  The first time the boys heard her, Davis saw her first.  He ran and got Sam, they both had to go and see her and both busted out laughing :)  Belle did not like this much and quickly changed her tune to a squealing "NO, Sam and Davis" which ran them out, both still laughing.

I took the kids to a field of flowers to get some spring shots of them together and to get Sam's snaggle teeth (which are just ADORABLE, by the way!)
We shot those shots and then I took the kids to the little old store building on the corner to shoot the boys in some ties.  As we were finishing up they asked me where we were going next and before I could answer Davis chimed in "We don't have to go back to the valley of the evil flowers, do we?!?!"  Not sure he liked getting his picture made in flowers too much, lol

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