Friday, May 11, 2012

Scout Graduation

Sam made it through his first year of scouting.  I am a little late with this post because Magan captured these on her camera which I rarely have access to the pictures.  Anyway, the graduation was in May and it was gladiator themed.  We all had a great time.  Both the leaders and the scouts had to be gladiators pulling chariots full of scouts.  And guess who won the spirit stick?  Mr. Sam Junkin.  We got to keep it in our garage all summer.  It has an item from each scout that has been awarded the spirit stick...Sam decided to put a stormtrooper lego man on it as his contribution.

Sam and his good buddy Nathan are above.  Me and Mr. Chris were the tiger den leaders.  But now the boys have moved on and are now Wolves.

Do you think Sam was pretty happy at this moment?  I think Davis was pretty excited as well.

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