Saturday, November 10, 2012

Orlando 2012 - Day 3 (Seaworld)

Our day at Seawold began a little late (see previous blog post for reason), but this was the day that Davis was excited for...he wanted to see some scuba divers.  Unfortunately, none were to be seen this day, but I think we all had a good time.

Our first stop was the Shamu show, and you should be able to see from the pictures that we were the last people in the stadium, and got standing area, but we were right in the center, so that was good.  This show used to be much better with Seaworld training flying off the whales nose up into the air, but I guess while the Killer Whales are still seriously hurting their trainers, that is no longer an option in the show.  Now the trainer just do some cool dance moves while the whales jump.  

While not much like Disney, Seaworld does have a super fun play area for the kids.  They all climbed a three story play area with slides, while magan and I rested below.  They also had a lot of fun on the rides in this area.

Later, the kids got to ride the Polar Express all the way to the North Pole where they got to see Santa.  This surprised all of us because we did not know yet what we wanted for Christmas.  I think Santa heard that they wanted surprises.  Davis was a little upset because he asked Santa for a "scuba diver", Santa heard this and told him he would get him a "screwdriver".  Oh well, we calmed Davis down and let him know that Santa was a little hard of hearing some time, but he usually got things right on Christmas.

Our day was fun, but we were disappointed to miss the Sea Lion Show.  I had picked up the wrong days attraction times and based our day on seeing this show after the last show had gone on for the day.  Oh well, we planned to come back before we left. We parked in about the farthest lot you could imagine from the the walk back to the car was a long one...especially with Sam on my shoulders.  Davis did get him some scuba diver toys and got to play with them that night in the tub.  Belle and I practiced our Daddy and Princess dance... So cute.  :)

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