Monday, November 12, 2012

Orlando 2012 - Day 5 (Legoland)

Can you find Sam and Belle?  Wow, this was a really cool park.  First time at Legoland, and I know we will want to come back.  This park is built specially for young ones.  And to get to the rides, we had to pass by the Legoland mini area where they had built Cape Canaveral, Las Vegas, new York, Washington D.C. and a Star Wars World area...So do I even need to say that it was extremely difficult to pull Sam from this area.  I think Sam was blown away and on overboard with all of these Legos.

When we got to the Lego Boat area, I found out that Davis needs a little work on his driving skills.  Sam navigated Mom and Belle around the track with no problems, while Davis drove us into every thing that was squirting water at the boats leaving me wetter than any other ride we had ridden at any other park this trip.  Then Davis crazily steered us into the exit area instead of the loading area, so we had to have some help to back up and get where we needed to go.  And it was nice to look up and see Magan at the exit laughing at us.

Next was the driving challenge, where Sam and Davis learned the rules of the road to be put into practice after their training.  Unfortunately you had to be 6 years old, and when Davis answered that he was only 5, they would not let him try.  One of the workers brought him out to us in tears.  Poor little guy, reminded me of John when he couldn't ride Dinosaur.

But as you can see below, they had another track for the smaller ones, and Davis ruled the road there.  Belle...well, not so much...she basically knew only how to press the gas, steering was just not her strong suit.

Can you find Davis in the picture below?  Sam was back there too, but hiding even better.  We did not go into the Cypress Gardens, but watched the Lego Pirate show, and cheered as Brickbeard was defeated.

This ride above was Davis' favorite and they rode 3 or 4 times.  Sam was in one of his moods and trying not to smile, but either the rides bouncing, or Davis' giggling got him smiling pretty quick.  Belle had to have her picture with any little girl Lego that she found.  She disappeared one time, and we were looking for her, then heard "Mommee, take my picture" as she had went around the large rock to climb up next to the lego girl.

We finally had a good dinner at Bob Evans restuarant, and with the best host you could ever have, enjoyed a great meal.  Belle was so happy back at the hotel, she loved the magic light above our bed that turned on and off each time she told it "Bibbidi bobbidi Boo"...never noticing my hand on the switch.  :)

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