Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Orlando 2012 - Day 6 (Seaworld, then back home)

Our last day...always sad to leave.  But since we bought season passes to Seaworld (only $5/ticket more), we wanted to go back to catch the Sea Lion show we missed the previous visit, along with the Dolphin show we missed.  

I forgot to mention that these underwater viewing areas are really great, but when an underwater viewing area for a walrus puts a big ugly animal right across the glass from Belle.  When that girl turned towards the glass and saw that animal, she started screaming and shaking...completely terrified.  It was very funny, even tho it will probably cause nightmares for awhile, probably the cause of the little whimpers from her crib after that first day at Seaworld.  

Sam and I rode this "Atlantis" boat ride before the dolphin show, and he talked his mom into riding it after the dolphin show.  Really fun ride, part boat ride, part roller coaster.

And from the pictures below, you will see we made it to the sea lion show.  I had the correct times for this morning.  Lots of laughs at this show and as funny as i remember it being 8 years ago with Noah and McKenna.

Back in the car...time for the long drive back.  And letting Davis ride in the back seat with Sam...Bad decision.

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