Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day out with Thomas 2013

We almost missed it, but again found ourselves in Calera for the Day out with Thomas.  I think it will be sad when the day comes that we miss this, but the kids still love it, and it seems to work out every year for us to go.  This year we got there a little late as i had run a 10K that morning, but here we are for our 7th annual visit.  

I just loved this picture below of Belle.  She just jumped right in with all those boys playing trains.  She is used to having to barge in and play.  I also loved the scene below where Davis was trying to get his train back from a little toddler.  I could tell Davis was not real happy, but had no idea how to deal with this situation where the toddler would not give him back his train.

And lunch was finally bought after we realized that everything required cash as this place, and the only cash we had was at the van.  Did I mention I had to park the van back out at the highway coming into Calera, about 1/4 mile, and my knees were already sore?  Oh well, at least the kids had fun jumping and playing while I treked it back to the van.  Davis always seems to like the story time, and this lady does a good job with the kids, Belle stayed outside playing in the sand, and Sam played with the bubbles.

The picture below is Belle looking at Sir Topham Hatt.  This is about as close as we have ever gotten to him.  There is always such a big line.  So Magan and I get the award for bringing our kids to this event, but never letting them stand in the line to see this character and never forking out the money to let them ride Thomas...I mean seriously it is a long line, and Thomas is $20/person!  We just ride the $3 train.  Oh well, their faces look pretty happy to me.  :)

After finishing the day and getting there stamps at the 4 required areas (or Mom and Dad getting the stamps as they played), the kids all won the prize.  A book of stickers and a a couple of Thomas MegaBlocks.  The celebration picture is below.

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