Friday, June 7, 2013

Campout with the Barons

After finally convincing Magan that Birmingham was safe enough to go to a Baron's game, and that there would be plenty of police staff available for the scout campout, she agreed to let us go.  Note:  Magan + Judy + CBS local news = Disaster everywhere!  Stay Inside and in yo Mama's arms.  Anyway, after a good meal at Maccaroni Grill (pregnant ladies pick), we set off for our night of fun.

We left all of our gear in the car, as the plan was to pull the cars into the VIP lot when everyone else left.  At the game, we found out it was Star Wars night, and that it was free seat cushion night.  Jackpot.  It didn't take the boys long to make it to the play area.  Sam sat with me for a bit...on the grassy knoll...on our new seat cushions.  

I think the boys had a real good time, they got to get their own drinks and hot dogs (came free with the camping ticket), and I bought them a sno cone (which they know is a treat from their cheapo dad).  Sam let me throw him some pop ups and grounders while Davis played in the play area.  But we finished the night on our cushions watching the Barons get smashed by the Suns (11-1).  Did I also mention that it was Friday Night Fireworks, and set to Star Wars music?  How cool is that?

Firework show over and it was 10:40 PM.  We just sat and hung out for awhile, then I starting realizing that NO ONE else was staying.  Even the scouts were leaving...what's going on?  We starting making our way back to the main gate, and I finally found a Barons rep...The campout had been canceled due to rain earlier in the day.  Sam took it well, but ole Dave was having to fight back tears.  Oh well, I told them maybe we could go camping back in the back yard, but by the time we got home it was 11:30 PM, and they were fast asleep in my car.  It was a fun night anyway.

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