Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stone Mountain - Day 4 (Fernbank Museum/IKEA)

Wow, we were slow moving after not getting back in bed from the Braves game till 12:30 AM.  But one of my goals was to run around Stone Mountain, so I was up on this Wednesday @ 7 and out on the 5 mile loop around Stone Mountain.  It was a great place to run, lots of people to "race" and often the whole road was available for the runners.  I finished in 49 minutes, and made it back the hotel a little after 8.

But it took everyone else a bit longer to wake up and we didn't get out of the hotel till around 10:30.  I don't know if I have mentioned the free breakfast we had at the hotel each morning, but it was awesome.  Bacon and Ham omelette each day for me.  We decided to try the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, mainly because I noticed it was free with our McWane membership.  This place was really cool, and was similar to McWane, but had the animal areas, and also the LARGE play area.  The LARGE play area had a river running through the middle of it with fish swimming in the river...but the river was just a projection onto the floor, but when you stepped onto it, the water rippled, and fish would scatter.  Very neat.  I lost Davis at one time in this area, did I mention it was very LARGE, but when I looked around, I knew where he must be...the underwater scuba area...and that is exactly where I found him.

We left the museum after lunch and got into fun downtown Atlanta traffic to get to Magan's favorite place...IKEA!  So we finally make it to IKEA, and Belle is sleeping, when Magan asks "Where is Belle's piggie (Yes, the atlanta braves piggie)?"  and then we remember that she had it in the gift shop at Fernbank.  so her and miranda take the boys into IKEA, while I taking the sleeping Belle back to the museum.

Its getting late, so I am ready to finish this we found piggie, Belle was happy when she woke up, boys do not go well with IKEA, Sam like the organizers there, Belle just had to have the pictures of her on the Princess Beds in IKEA, We spent too much money at IKEA, I had to unpack then repack the car in the IKEA parking lot, Davis decided he had to pee right before leaving IKEA, so back in we went, Cracker Barrel for supper on the way home, had great time with Mir and the boys.  The End.

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