Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stone Mountain - Day 1 (The Trip Over)

The car is already packed, and I already know that Magan has visions of IKEA just dancing in her head.  Miranda and the boys joined us for church Sunday Morning, then we got off on the road making it to the Pell City Cracker Barrel for one of the slowest served meals ever.  Back on the road, we made it to the Evergreen Resort in Stone Mountain.  I had found us a great package rate that included breakfast and tickets to the park for two days.  

After checking in, the first stop on our agenda was to check out the pool.  The outdoor pool was filled with vulgar people that obviously had no manners whatsoever.  It was like a bad Tyler Perry movie (I guess bad is a little redundant) with Eddie Murphy as the host.  Luckily the indoor pool was much more quiet and seemed to be where everyone was migrating away from the mess outdoors.  

The pool was great.  Davis now knows how to least a little.  Sam is doing much better, and Belle just loved being pulled around the pool dancing with her dad singing the Beauty and the Beast song.  Afterwards we went to the restaurant near the pool area for some pizza.  Can you tell Belle was about to fall asleep, and that the boys were a little rambunctious?  A fun beginning to our vacation.  

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