Monday, June 3, 2013

Stone Mountain - Day 2 (A Day in the Park)

Here we are at "Summer at the Rock" - Stone Mountain!  Nice and relaxing as nothing opened until 10:30AM, so no real rush to be there.  This was much different from our last trip where it was super crowded.  Today was an overcast day, and made for perfect cool weather for Magan, and perfect crowd weather to do whatever we wanted.  We started at the Sky Hike.  Belle stayed down low, but enjoyed every bit of her little hikes and obstacles.  She was joined rather quickly by Jude that got scared on about the 3rd obstacle of the course.  Belle loved the zipline, and Magan told me that she just kept riding it over and over again.  I found out later why...Belle would skip pretty much the whole obstacle course, and walk right past the big line of boys for the zipline to the front.  Magan was not really paying attention, so I watched her, the lady said she should go to the back of the line, and Belle just cocked her head and gave her the cutest little smile.  While this was supercute for me to watch, I could tell the lady was getting superannoyed at this princess.  So I stepped in and asked Belle to get in the back of the line.  

While Belle was jumping in front of people in line, Me and Mir, Jasper and Sam, and Davis were going through all of the obstacles of the sky hike.  A little more about this sky hike:  

Explore the quarter of a mile course with your kids.  Master suspended wooden bridges.  Leap from one wooden slat to another.  Balance on a single rope high above the ground.  Or climb to the top on vertical net bridges.   You have control of your trek as you pick from a 12 ft. trail for beginners, a 24 ft. high trail for the somewhat courageous and the super challenge trail at nearly 40 ft. in the air (four stories high), for the true daredevil in you.  

Sam only made it to level 2 last time when he was 5, but this time, him and Jasper were pretty much racing through the course and finished about 20 minutes ahead of the rest of us.  Davis got scared at a few of the obstacles, but by the end was laughing when he fell hanging to his life by the rope.  And I watched Davis finish level 2, thinking that was it, but no...up to the 40 ft level.  

After the sky hike, the boys attempted the climbing wall.  Again Sam and Jasper were racing to the top, and I think Sam beat him by a hair, raising himself at the top of the wall high up in the air to look around.  Are these guys not scared?  Davis attempted to climb the wall too, and he has tried this before, but gets pretty scared when he looks down.  Well, it happened again, he got about 8 foot up and looked down, and starting looking scared.  After he made it to the bottom, I gave him a big thumbs up for trying.  Then he looked at me and said he wanted to try again.  And up he went...and never stopped till the top.  Pretty cool!

After the hike, we started towards the skylift, stopping to look at the carving of what appears to be some bearded men that rode horses.  I am assuming these are the old men that found this mountain, and instead of carving their name, got a little fancy.  They do good work.

Up on the mountain, we walked around a bit, but were saving our exploring for the hike up the following day...more on that later.  Sam and I saw this huge red tailed hawk that was in the top of a tree.  It was awesome.  Back down the mountain, we made it to lunch just before the bottom dropped out and it starting raining hard.  Perfect timing, that is what I have.  :)

After lunch was the 4D movie for Journey to the center of the Earth, A ride on the train (these are the most uncomfortable seats I have ever sat on), another sky hike journey, a trip through the 4 story barn  play area, and then splashing a bit in geyser falls (yep brought their suits)...we finally settled in on the lawn for the laser light show.  I really don't know how we did so much in one day, yet we did...Laser light show was great, but waiting around on the lawn was my favorite part.  Throwing the football with the boys, while Davis got down with the "Cha Cha Slide" and performed his dancing robot moves with Belle, finally resting on our blanket.  Fun day.

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