Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chelsea Christmas Parade

Our Christmas Day Parade began as it usually does on the Parade morning, with us being dropped off at the middle school for our trek "All the way to the Winn Dixie".  But this morning, we got to include Davis, as this was his first chance to be in the parade, and he was very excited.  He took his job seriously, and was one of the leaders of the Tiger Den (front middle).  The boys are so different in many things, and it was funny walking with Sam who kept his eyes on the man in front of him or the road to stay in line, while Davis stayed in line fine, but was looking around calling out to his buddies that he saw.

At about the half way mark, the rain starting coming down, which made for a very ...wet... parade.  But it wasn't too cold, and we all got plenty of candy, necklaces, and plastic cups.  Belle even used her cute little smile to get a Metlife snoopy thrown to her.

And that night, we heard the sirens of the local firemen driving Santa through the neighborhoods.  We ran outside to see Santa in the truck waving at us.  Belle was so sweet this year jumping up and down and hollaring for "Sinta Clausse".

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