Monday, December 30, 2013

NBC Studio Tour with Scouts

Another fun day with the Scouts.  I actually booked this tour in October, not really knowing how busy it might be, but it ended up not being to bad.  It was a neat tour that showed us the producing room, directing room, and then the on air studio.  We watched the mid-day news, and it was really interesting that the two anchors were the ONLY ones in the studio.  Cameras were positioned were they needed to be, and anchors were in the location where they were supposed to be, and there it was.  The whole show looks like it was completed with a meteorologist, anchor, producer and director.  I was just surprised at so few people actually there in the building.

Sam and Davis got to go behind the anchors desk, and Sam just jumped right up in that seat.  Maybe he will be a news anchor one day.  And with the Vulcan right behind the studio, we got another fun sharing of "big bottom" jokes.

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