Saturday, December 14, 2013

McWane Center

We haven't went to the McWane center in quite a while, so we decided to use some of our Christmas Vacation and visit.  Kids were always excited about the trains, but each of them had no problem waiting in the 25 minute line for the zip line.  I am always amazed at their patience to ride this rope.  Both Sam and Davis dramatically fell off the zip line at the finish both making flops onto the mat that sounded across the room.  And Belle handled the rope like a pro, swinging herself down to the ground so gracefully I heard some other parents exclaim how good she did it.  

Davis then was about to touch like 5 sharks and several sting rays...I think this was the first time he had touched so many as he was very excited.  This was Ruby's first visit, so she is now a member.  And everybody was brave enough for the bed of nails except for Belle, who said she would do it but only on top of me.  :)  Oh well, I guess that is OK.  And the last picture is the kids in an 80 mph tornado.

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