Monday, October 27, 2014

Around the Fall

Just a random assortment of pictures through September and October...

Sam and Larkin had a movie night with Ms. Lisa.  They all finished "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"

Davis is reading better and more, and took some time to read to Belle.  Wow!

Dad and Belle day at a Pump it Up Birthday Party...wish I had more of these days.

She can find her stack of clean blankets in an ocean of folded clothes.  She loves to hug the whole stack and rub her face in them.

So Magan now knows that when Ruby gets quiet, you better look after the cupcakes.  Ruby had found the cupcakes and helped herself to a few bites.  And she is standing all by herself now!

So dragging trees to the woods...This was about 1/3 of the pile that Sam and Davis cut down without letting me know.  It looks OK, down at the creek area, but I wouldn't say this was the selection that I would have had them cut down.

This is the final product of a Davis/sister makeover.

This is one of MANY selfies that Davis likes to take...that kid is crazy.

Belle at Chuck E Cheese with Piper and Delaney.  First big school girl party, she was beaming with excitement!

The tooth that would just never come out...See Cub Haunted Blog for the final end to this tooth.

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