Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall Ball comes to an End

Super proud of both these boys and the improvements they made during this year of Fall Ball.  I think both really enjoyed the year, and both want to play Spring Ball.  Davis' team did not win very many, and Davis was also very sad because he struck out every time, and never got to make it around to score...until the last 3 games, where he finally got his timing down.  And scored 4 runs in both games getting to base 9 times.  Each time he would look at me from first and get that big smile and pump those arms up over his head.  Made me happy for him.

Sam also had some hard times at the plate in his first year of player pitch.  But I think once he found out that he would strike out if he didn't swing, he started getting that bat moving, and hit the ball really well.  He had at least two hits in his last couple of games.  And his time made it to the championship.  Sam was the 2nd batter in the last inning with his team down by 3 runs...first pitch he takes right down the third baseline fair.  He scored later that inning and his team came back to win the championship.  

Glad its over for awhile, but very happy my boys like a game that brings back so many good memories to me.  

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