Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pictures from December

So, the last blog of 2014.  It was a good year.  I am looking forward to many more, but sad to see my big boy Sam getting so big.  More stubborn and strong willed than his dad, fun to see his creativity.  My Davis that is still the drama king, but the kindest and politest little guy, with eyes that show you the thousands of emotions going through him.  My curly headed girl that knows already her "diddy" would do anything for her.  I love to see her share stories of her day, as those eyes get bigger and hands start talking with her.  And my little Ruby that reminds me of Dave, but with the temper of Sam.  :)  (Ruby, this may be an unfair assessment at this time, but you are still somewhat sick and quite angry alot right now) I can't wait to see her personality more in the new year.  

Never know what the Elf is up to...

Coca-Colas and donuts...Best Wedding Ever!

We saw Santa!  Ruby did NOT like Santa!

We finished the Hobbit trilogy...

I am glad Mom has the patience to help the kids make the Christmas cookies.  You can tell they love it, but the pictures filter out the constant bickering about who gets to make the next cookie.  Dad stays away during this time.  :)

CEC...OK, so $20 split three ways in tokens = 70 tickets won in 10 minutes on mindless no-skill game (Sam) + 70 tickets won in 10 minutes on mindless no-skill game (Davis) + 70 tickets, cute little pictures, and many fun rides over 40 minutes by my curly headed sweetheart (Belle).  Magan and Ruby weren't with us on this trip to CEC, but I found this cute picture from back in October of her and the girls.

Everybody shoots the BB gun...

Sam finished the Carrier nanoblock set...2 days.

Visit with Aunt Judy

On our way home from Starkville, we stopped by the old farm in Gordo.  Wow, I realized as I drove up Hwy 159 that I had not come this way in about 20 years.  Sad, as this was a place I remember very well.  I remember fishing with my Pawpaw...shooting a bird with a shotgun that my dad let me shoot...draining the catfish ponds then having some of the best catfish ever...running a little car that someone gave my dad as a joke one Christmas around the chair of a very old man we called granddaddy...and riding a horse (only time ever for this city boy) through the fields to bring the cows in for milking with Ralph Jr.  So many memories, that there was no problem recognizing Aunt Judy's house as I pulled up, showing the boys where the milk barn was, showing them where the little dog I used to love so much was always running around barking, showing them where the empty spot that used to hold the old house where granddaddy and granny used to live.  

We were able to visit with Aunt Judy, Ralph Jr - his children Seth and Jessica, and Nancy's children Amelia and Avery.  Ralph Jr. found a really good photo album that showed granny and granddaddy holding me...a picture of granddaddy's mother (G'ma Tyner) and father (Grandpa "Tom" Junkin)...Picture of MawMaw, PawPaw, Tanya and Tim...My mom and dad's wedding with the Junkins...4 Generations and as Ralph Jr said "Looks like Thomas didn't even know he was supposed to be in that picture, He looks like he was just photobombing you guys"...Dad putting me on my first cow ride, and Ralph Jr. Holding me.

Ralph shared with me how great (much sarcasm) Tanya and Tim got along with one another, and a really funny story about Nancy running over Tera with a motorbike..."Uncle Thomas was NOT very happy".  He said he's got some other stories for next time, if I can get him to share them.  

We visited mainly in the den area that I remember so well from the Christmas' get togethers here.  I even watched Avery and Belle bang on the piano and organ that I used to love to do.  Ralph Jr then took me, Sam, Davis, and Belle out to his new chicken houses.  I didn't think we were going to get Davis to leave.  He would be happy taking care of these animals.  

But it was time to leave as Ruby was still not feeling well.  We left with some good memories, hopes to return in the summer for fishing, and small pieces of chicken manure and bedding that made it back to the carpet here in our home at Chelsea.  

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Trip back to Mississippi State

So, we finally made it back after 12 years.  Back to where our married life began at Mississippi State University.  So much had changed, and we were excited to show the kids our first home...then saddened to see it was getting prepared to be demolished.  Behind us in the picture below is a boarded up 25F Wallace Circle Drive, the first home we had.  Cinderblock walls that held an ocean of love...wait, that sounds like a song...Need to see if that works with G, C and D.  Ok, back...We visited the MSU bookstore, now a barnes and noble with an escalator...Crazy!  The plan was to attend the basketball game that night with the family, but Ruby was very sick, so Magan stayed back at the hotel with her.  

After lunch at the Little Dooey, then some swimming in an ICE COLD pool, we went out to the ball game to see MSU play McNeese State.  Before the game, I was impressed to see the large new area built as a welcome center/kids basketball area that was open up until 15 minutes prior to the game.  Davis and Belle immediately hit the jumpy house, and Sam went to the courts to shoot ball.  

The game was fun, as basketball is at a much quicker pace than football or baseball, all 3 were able to get into the game and cheer as the bulldogs scored.  Unfortunately, they stink, and lost by about McNeese State!  Oh well we had a good time at the game, then the sleeping all in one large room with a sick baby came.

Ruby woke up @ 3AM, and would NOT go back to bed.  She had a fever, runny nose, cough, all stuff she just picked up the prior day.  But around 5AM, I thought somebody needs some relief, so I warmed up the van, and took Ruby out in the car.  She was asleep before we exited the hotel parking lot.  Sweet baby.  So I drove to Columbus, MS, then back to Starkville, back to the hotel parking lot for an hour rest, then through Starkville, and finally at the other end of starkville she woke up...but I was SO glad she had some sleep.  We picked up some bfast, swam a bit more, then were on our way to visit family in Gordo.