Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chelsea Christmas Parade

Chelsea Christmas Parade time again, and the boys were leading the parade with Pack 353.  It was very cold waiting for the parade to start, but we seem to make it through each year with no rain, so that was good.  Davis waved to all, and Sam is funny to watch...He wants to smile so bad, but he does not want anyone to think he is having a good time...I am glad to have seen that smile peeking out a few times.  The Clydesdale horses were HUGE, very neat to see and a first for the Chelsea parade.  Belle and Ruby had fun gathering all the candy thrown their way, and were very excited when Santa was held up by a train, so he was stuck right near where they were standing.  But I think Magan thought Santa was probably a little tired of the HoHos for the same bunch of kids.  

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