Friday, February 20, 2015

Chattanooga - Day 1 (Discovery Center, Campout at the Aquarium, Snow!)

Our trip was planned earlier in August of '14, not knowing about all the fun snow, ice, and cold we would have this winter.  The plan was for me and the boys to camp out at the aquarium, but I didn't want the girls to miss out, so I booked them at this Hilton about 3 blocks from the Aquarium.  And we decided to skip school and head up early, well ahead of the scout pack that was all leaving around noon.  And I was having to check emails all day to see if anyone else was coming.  Luckily everyone made it up all right, and got through before all the snow and ice hit.  

But before all of that we made it to the Discovery Center.  I love Chattanooga, and this is a great city for our family.  All of these fun activities are within a few blocks, and Lookout Mountain is not too far away.  At the Discovery Center, Ruby was able to just walk all around that place, and I think her many squeals were a good sign of her happiness with this place.  

Sam found the craft table that took up a lot of his time here.  Then both Sam and Davis found the Engineering and Innovation room...and there they remained for the rest of our time at the center.  Belle and Ruby enjoyed being bees for awhile, then Belle found a "transporter" tube that you could send messages across the innovation center.  She LOVED this, and I think believed it was actually magic to place the container in the tube, close the door, hit the button, and let the air push it over to the other side.  I don't know how many times Magan and I had to do this over and over sending messages (and a dollar bill from dad) back to her.  

After the Discover Center, our trip to the Aquarium began @ 6:00 PM, so we bundled up (Already snowing) and took off down the road to the Aquarium.  Once our tour began, Sam got into a different group than us, so most of the pictures are of just me and Davis.  We saw Sam here and there when his group caught up with us.  I think he liked being on his own since I am usually right with him as den leader.  At the top of the Aquarium, we got to see their Sea Turtle (Oscar) that has been injured, missing both back flippers due to a collision with a boat propeller...and this quickly became Davis' favorite.  Later we even saw Oscar from our sleeping area above us.

We went outside around 7:30 PM to go across the street to the IMAX, and it was COLD...and crazy snowing.  And our pizza was late to the IMAX, imagine that, roads were not very good to get pizza delivery.  Davis immediately began throwing snowballs outside.  We watched the "Lemurs of Madagascar" and Sam, Davis and I quickly learned that we had learned the Lemur communication howls and used them in key situations for humor the rest of our trip.  OK, maybe it was just funny to us.  The aquaium hosts were great, playing games with the kids, telling funny stories, then bringing out some snakes and lizards for the kids to pet right before bed time.  I will have to admit, the Air Mattress was a late add, but was perfect.  I slept in the middle, which made both boys roll towards me, which was better than rolling off to the ground.  Our view was not as great as some others that had aquarium all around...BUT it was slightly out of the way, quiet, and made for a good nights rest.

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