Thursday, February 19, 2015

Davis' Birthday

Our big guy Davis is turning 8.  Crazy...looking back at these blogs seeing our buddy each year getting a little older...this year he got to pick where we would have his birthday dinner, and he selected Mt. Fuji.  Magan and I think it was mainly due to the Sparkler Cake the birthday people get, and it was definitely his favorite part.  He also got some Magformers, How to train a dragon toys, and Starlord.  And his sweet mom made him some pancakes for breakfast.  I believe school was delayed for 2 hours, and he also assumed this was for his any less school for D is AWESOME!  

He came up to me the other night while I was working on the computer.  "You need to take a break Dad, you work to hard".  Love that boy, and appreciate his kindness for others.  Happy Birthday Davis!

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