Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chattanooga - Day 2 (Waking up with the Fish, Hotel Pool, Back to the Aquarium)

The next morning, the boys and I woke up early to pack up and go see the otters get their morning feeding.  We also got to watch Oscar one last time from our sleeping window.  We made it back to the car and had to clear off all the ice and snow, then into the room at the Hilton to get changed into our swimming suits.  We had plans to go as a family to the aquarium, but because of the snow, the aquarium did not open until noon.  So perfect time to go swimming!  

Little Ruby is just to cute in that little towel.  After swimming, we made it to the aquarium to let the girls see all the fun stuff.  Ruby loved the butterfly area.  She squealed and laughed at those funny little bugs.  She also caught one and was not very that one died.  And she was just so cute walking around in there, till she slipped in some water to her bottom, then fell onto her back, then bumped her head on the concrete...yeah, it was me watching her during all of this.  But Magan had to dry her clothes as much as possible before we moved on.

Belle finally let me help her pet a sturgeon.  She is such a girl.  And Sam's favorite fish was a giant monkey eater that would actually eat monkeys in the rainforest when the fruit trees got flooded.  And probably the highlight of the trip was a scuba diver spending about 5 minutes with Ruby playing peekaboo.  It was so cute, and she was just laughing at him.  Too precious.  TN Aquarium is Number ONE on our list.

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