Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Break - McWane

Quick trip to the McWane center.  Magan was able to visit with Deidra and her children.  Kids had a blast as usual.  

"March"ing around the house

So...a couple of stories, then a hodge podge of pictures from March...
Davis was praying and thanking God for our trip to Red Mountain, which was more of a combination of a hike and scavenger hunt...so his prayer was "thank you for our scavenger hunt/hike (so funny hearing him actually use the "/" slash in his prayer)".  OK it was funny to me.
Magan needed Davis to get some stuff for her as they were getting ready for his baseball game the other day.  Davis, being dramatically slow, was not moving quick enough.  Magan, looking for a different approach with his upcoming game told him "Davis, be fast, be baseball fast".  Davis, not missing a beat, said "Mom, I have to conserve my energy for the game".  

Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break - Zoo

Ruby needed some sleep, and Magan wanted to take some pictures of all of the kids at the Botanical Gardens, so I took the older 3 to the zoo for the afternoon to meet up with Magan later.  I let the kids lead the tour as we went from the snakes to the birds...since it was spring break, and I am a softee, they each got their own nectar to feed the birds.  Belle does NOT like for the bird to be on her, but she found a way to feed it without it climbing on her hand.  Sam had a flock of these birds on his head.  And Davis liked this little yellow one. 
After the birds, we made our way to see the Rhino, then had a healthy snack of a hot pretzel with cheese and rice crispie treat.  The kids thought this was the BEST pretzel in the whole world.  After seeing the new bears, I let the kids play at the playground until the zoo closed at 5, then we went to meet Mom and ruby at the gardens.  Pretty fun day...Sam had to help with his long arms for the 4 person picture below.  And Belle always wants her picture in the lion frame. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Memory Lane at the Ratcliff House

1. The Henson gang (Right to Left...Butch, Brenda, Shyree, Judy, Jerry, William)
2. Orville and Ottriss Ratcliff (Gary's mom and dad)
3. Wilma B and Homer C Henson (Judy's mom and dad)
4. Little Magan
5. Ratcliff family (pre-Marcus)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Break Weekend I (Helen Keller House, Colby's B'day)

Always looking for an excuse to go on a vacation, I thought we could use a visit to Colby's surprise party into a trip to Helen Keller's birthplace.  Rather cold this day, but I think the kids still enjoyed this little house.  We had already read Helen's story up to the part about the WATER, and they were all very excited.  I tried to get any of the kids into the pantry under the stairs where Helen had locked her mother up for 3 hours one time. 


I probably should have gotten Dad to look my way, but he was mighty comfortable with little Ru resting on him.  Colby was very happy to get some Colon Blow for his birthday.  Now he can cut back on the shakes with this amount of fiber.  The kids loved playing with their cousins in the new Florence backyard.  The rest of this trip are pictures of our supper at Johnny's, then some from the next day after church with Nanny.  Probably should have had some pictures with Nanny since we spent the night at her house.  Always fun, and the kids were supper excited to get to go upstairs at Nanny's house.  Not that excited to go to sleep though.  Magan said that Sam woke up to puke, Belle fell off the bed, and Ruby woke up a couple of times crying...but I was asleep, so I found out about this the next morning with a huge bfast of bacon and eggs.  MMM....love spending the night at nanny's!