Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby time again...time for the boys to get out of the way and let the dads finally get to participate.  At least for some folks.  I, on the other hand, have made both boys cry with our quickly produced derby vehicles.  This year Sam, Davis, and Belle had a car in the derby.  They draw the shape, sand them and then paint them.  We had them all weighed perfectly till we found they they were not weighed perfectly, so I spent the night prior cutting holes in the bottom of all of the cars to reduce the weight.  

Davis was the first to race, and his car actually got 2nd place a couple of races.  We were excited as he might get in the top 3 for a trophy.  Then when racing on lane 1, we had a blow out and one tire and axle came off during the race.  After some light hearted ribbing of the Scout leader for his not being able to glue the axles, the car was able to race again.  And alas, Davis came in 4th place.  Upset in normal Davis fashion, but still happy to win some races.

Sam was up next for the race, and really does not have much of a shot with some of the dads in our crew.  His webelo group ended up with the 1st, 2nd, and 4th place for the whole pack.  So, within our den, it was like the SEC of pinewood derby, and we were like Vandy.  So he did get third place in a race or too, then it happened again...wheel and axle lost again during a race.  Afraid to raise my hand, but everyone got a good laugh as this was another "Junkin Car".  At least Sam also thought it was humorous.  

And lastly was little Belle's car that I did not get a picture of, but it was lots of colors.  She actually got 1st place in a couple of happened a third time.  Another "Junkin Car", another lost wheel and axle during a race.  I am pretty sure we...I...will not live this down with the other den leaders.  Oh well, glad the boys had fun, and I did not have to see any tears from the losses.  Belle was the only little girl up there with a big bunch of boys in the siblings race.   She was so proud of her participant ribbon...but probably more proud that the night before...her car beat both Sam and Davis'.  And she loved to repeat this randomly in conversations in the van...leading to much fussing and fighting...

Ruby...she just walked around and enjoyed the crowds.  

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