Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Break Weekend I (Helen Keller House, Colby's B'day)

Always looking for an excuse to go on a vacation, I thought we could use a visit to Colby's surprise party into a trip to Helen Keller's birthplace.  Rather cold this day, but I think the kids still enjoyed this little house.  We had already read Helen's story up to the part about the WATER, and they were all very excited.  I tried to get any of the kids into the pantry under the stairs where Helen had locked her mother up for 3 hours one time. 


I probably should have gotten Dad to look my way, but he was mighty comfortable with little Ru resting on him.  Colby was very happy to get some Colon Blow for his birthday.  Now he can cut back on the shakes with this amount of fiber.  The kids loved playing with their cousins in the new Florence backyard.  The rest of this trip are pictures of our supper at Johnny's, then some from the next day after church with Nanny.  Probably should have had some pictures with Nanny since we spent the night at her house.  Always fun, and the kids were supper excited to get to go upstairs at Nanny's house.  Not that excited to go to sleep though.  Magan said that Sam woke up to puke, Belle fell off the bed, and Ruby woke up a couple of times crying...but I was asleep, so I found out about this the next morning with a huge bfast of bacon and eggs. spending the night at nanny's!


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