Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Scout Night at the Firestation

Another fun scout night that we began at McDonalds where we didn't realize it, but the fire fighters were there also teaching fire safety.  After McDonalds, we went up the hill to hear from Lieutenant Williamson about first aid and being a "Readyman" for safety situations.  The Lieutenant did a good job putting the boys into situations to help them remember what to do...we had broken arm guy, fainting guy, bloody nose guy, and various scrapes guy.  And fittingly, Davis was the bloody nose guy.  But It was done really well, and the kids remembered what was taught later, even this Easter morning that I am writing this, Belle had a nose bleed, and did exactly what the Lieutenant told her to do.  We later went home and went over our home for hazards and talked about our fire escape plans.  Also fun because brothers and sisters were invited to this meeting...and they all got to meet HERO the firedog.  

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