Sunday, March 15, 2015

Red Mountain Hike

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I had planned an optional meeting for the Scouts to check out Red Mountain Park, on what was supposed to be a guided hike.  But it ended up being a free for all scavenger hunt through the park, which was pretty nice.  We did meet one other cub scout there, but also ran into the Angell's from church.  So anyway, we found all of the clues hidden in bright green Tupperware containers...which was nice for us.  But none of us won any of the prizes.  Oh well, we did have fun exploring and learning about this park.  Also found out that it was a really good hike just to get to the area that we were to hike.  Kids loved all of the obstacle courses and zip I guess we will need to come back soon.  But that will be another blog.  

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