Saturday, February 20, 2016

Turkey Creek (Scout Hike)

For this trip with Davis' scout den, we went up to Pinson to Turkey Creek.  Davis learned about composting and then we took an Eagle Scout trail along the creek.  This was a really fun place, and apparently a popular location during the summer when you can get in the creek to cool off.  Me and Sam had Ruby duty during the initial trek, and quickly we became the end of the line.  But we had a blast, and that little girl loves big bro Sam.  I got to make the return trip with Davis, so I had some fun with him.  Everyone brought a picnic lunch (for us that means Arby's) and ate by the waterfall.  Then we had some terrifying moments for this acrophobic dad and his "I don't want to hold your hand" big 2 year old on the large rocks.  Another fun scouting day...we ended with a tour of old homes of Scott in Pinson and Center Point, then a visit to sweet frogs for some ice cream.  The boys seem to always accidently forgot how to use the lever to stop the flow of ice cream at these places.  


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