Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines with the Sartins

On this valentines day, Magan took the kids up to spend the night with the Sartins.  All the kids were excited, and they had the next day of school off (President's Day maybe...).  I stayed at the house, as I had to work, had my Valentines dinner with a friend from church after Work Release.  But Magan and the kids had a usual Magan was running behind and in a hurry to get some BBQ from Tophat...and she got a speeding ticket.  I was curious about how the kids responded to this, and she said they acted like no big deal.  Crazy, I thought this would have amused them, but apparently not. 

There are some other random valentines pictures below...I was not their for most, but you can see from their smiles that they were having fun.  And Magan got me some bottles of coke, which is about as good as it gets  

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