Monday, March 14, 2016

Around The House

So some pictures from around the house over the last couple of months...and a few stories...
- So we are now owners of the Amazon Echo.  Perhaps a blog on its own to this fun little toy later.  Now just telling about all the kids using it, and even little Ru walking over to where the Echo sits in our kitchen and calling for "Alexa"
- In discussion with Sam the other day, I overhead Davis describing to him the process doctors sometimes must use to get tubes down peoples throats to assist them in breathing.  I think when he said esophagus, I broke in and asked "Where are you getting this from?"  He quickly replied "Oh, I watched it on Popular Mechanics for Kids" on my kindle.  Wow, technology.
- Also, Davis grabbing my USA today the other day excited about reading the articles on space travel.  Just funny stuff to me. 

Tooth Fairy money!  She lost two teeth now. 

And MawMaw made up some song about a monkey climbing up in a tree singing and dancing with me...I don't know, but It was the sweetest thing seeing Ruby dance and clap and try to sing along. 

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