Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bowling for JA

I usually participate in a Junior Achievement Fundraiser each year and we have a Bowling celebration in the spring.  Sam and Davis have been coming to this for many years, and decided to join me once again.  This time our team was packed, and they were not able to bowl with our team, but I got them a lane of their own, and that worked out much better.  It was very close, but I think Sam won 83 to 81. 
My games were a little rigged by automatic strikes in the 3rd/6th/9th frames, but I still bowled a 156/213/192.  And on the last game, I turkeyed in the 10th Frame.  Turning around with excitement to see if my children had seen this accomplishment that I had never before done before, I saw them watching the tv screen with whatever was the latest pop video on.  They didn't see it.  It probably would have just ended up with them bragging to their friends at school and everyone talking about how cool their dad was to have turkeyed in the 10th frame, then young friends of theirs always wanting my autograph and wanting me to tell them the story later recalled as the "Win in Ten"...but alas they will never remember, until the day they read this blog, and realize...My dad was so cool.  

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