Thursday, March 3, 2016


So I made it out to Seattle for a Cyber Conference, and got in a little early on a Monday afternoon.  Beautiful view coming over the Cascades into the city.  After landing, I got a tour of the city on the metro, then walked the 1 mile to the space needle.  With luggage in tow on the way to my hotel, I saw a crowd of folks surrounding Russell Wilson, QB of the seahawks. 
The space needle was nice, and I enjoyed a cup of starbucks at the top.  Got all the souvenirs I needed at the store at the bottom, and rode the monorail back to my hotel...yep, pretty cool.  That evening, I met up with some friends from work to go to the public market, and visit the first Starbucks at Pike Place (I have the official mug to prove I went...and I guess this picture below).  Then ate the best food I have had in awhile.  Halibut on a layer of pumpkin something (I am not a foodie, I don't know the names, but the taste...WOW), then a dessert of pineapple bread pudding...Ridiculously good. 
The rest of the week was just conferences with supper then sleep.  I did almost get to see Bernie Sanders as he was helping people in Seattle "Feel the Burn" at a meeting next door to mine.  But missed him...and the rally on Thursday, as it was time for me to fly out. 
Only other thing to remember is my bathroom visit on the way home.  Only 1 hour into the 5 hour flight home, I had to use the restroom, and closing the door and finishing my business I turned to find that the door was jammed.  Yes, that's right in my head I am now going to be that guy stuck in an airplane bathroom for 4 hours.  But I did not panic, just used some brute strength to pull on the door.  That is when I heard the metal on metal screech, and saw why I was trapped...the door had come off of the track on one end and it was NOT going back.  So now I have my 2 inch crack that I peek out of to see if any stewardess is coming to rescue me...and to see if my buddy sitting behind me on the plane is getting this on youtube.  Assuming that neither of these would happen, I gave two more screeching pulls on that door giving me enough room to squeeze out and back into my seat as if nothing happened. 
My friend behind me said that he heard the screeching and thought some rowdy kids were messing with the bathroom.  He also said they spent much time trying to fix the door.  I didn't notice...I had my earphones on and kept pretending none of that embarrassing story had happened.  

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