Saturday, June 24, 2017

20 Year Class Reunion

How does that happen?  20 years have gone by, and at a graduation the other day I listened to a speech much better than mine, and realized I am now the old man in the audience.  Just a kid then, and now over twice my age when graduating.  Found some articles in the attic cleaning out back at G&Gs.  Only 64 graduated with us, compared to almost 400 in Sam's current class.  Well our reunion was pretty well planned, and using Facebook, we did pull in about 15 of our graduating class.  And with Justin Pace already having a place out by the lake, all went really well.  Funny how quickly you can pick up conversations with people you haven't seen in years, yet spent what seemed like an eternity with them in school.  

Must admit my favorite was getting to see my ole college roommate Alan Scott, and check up with him.  Seems like ages ago, yet also just yesterday.  Now head coach of the high school football team, I always knew he would be a good coach.  And Celia, now teaching gifted over in Georgia, seems perfect for her too.  Justin...while never exactly real close...was always funny and still is very funny.  I like funny people, and he is one that makes me laugh.  Maybe our class can do this more often...or maybe it is only fun when you do it every 10 years...don't know, but I had a fun time sitting out by the lake chatting with old friends.  
And while we were at the reunion, kids had a blast with MawMaw.  They made everything on the table below.  Magan and I kept thinking we better leave to get the kids off mawmaw's hands, but even when we got there, they kept working and wanting to stay longer.  We love our wonderful mawmaw and kids always have fun at her house. 



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