Friday, June 2, 2017

Quick Trip to Augusta

So how does a picture of Magan's toe make the blog, because she ripped off a large chunk of nail on that left big toe while moving away from her table at a sandwich shop in Augusta, GA.  Only her!  Anyway, I had a quick trip to Plant Vogtle, and since kids were out of school, they were able to join me.  They stayed at our hotel, while I went to work each day.  The kids enjoyed both the outdoor and indoor pool, and the girls found some steps that make them break out in Beauty and the Beast songs.  

We were able to go eat with our friends, the Cudes.  Leslie made the best lasagna in the world.  It is by now hyped up by our whole old supper club, but still lives up to the hype, and continue to live up to it on my fourth plateful of it.  It is amazing!  The stuff Italians dream of one day being able to make and serve.  Davis instantly made friends with Max, and even spent the night with the Cudes that night.  On our way out of Augusta, I was able to take the fam to my favorite restaurant in Augusta...Villa Europa.  I ordered many different German favorites, and well, I don't think the fam likes this food as much as me, but at least the Bavarian fritters (sausage, sauerkraut, pork in a ball of fried goodness) were a hit.  

And after traffic that was simply HORRIBLE, we finally made it back to sweet home Alabama!

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