Saturday, June 10, 2017

Geocaching with the Boys

So I had never gone geocaching before, but Sam had earned his merit badge this week while I was out of town.  And both boys were ready to show me how the process works.  It was really fun, and we found about 6 caches.  The boys both had bags of trinkets they traded with others in the caches.  And we used my IPAD to lead us almost directly to the hiding spots.  Kind of weird, boys are taking the front seat more, and I just kind of followed along.  But I am ok with that, and will keep following as long as I can keep up.  Our favorite was the cache called "R U Thirsty" and was a water spicket screwed into a tree with the trinkets and paper scroll (to write your name when you find it) were in the actual spicket.  Really fun day!

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