Saturday, June 17, 2017

Father's Day

Fathers Day, Granddaddy's birthday, and MawMaw's birthday.  Fun times all around.  The kids made each of us a Lego character, and also answered some questions about us that was pretty cute.  On the day before Father's Day, I showed Ruby some of my new socks with birds on them.  I asked if she liked them, and then she got a big grin, and put her hand over her mouth, and said "I got you some socks for a surprise".   Realizing that she had just told me my Father's Day gift, but not wanting Magan to know she told me, I leaned over to her and smiled and said "Yeah, that is a surprise, let's keep it a secret".  Her grin got bigger as she looked around to make sure no one had heard and said with a whisper "yeah, it is a surprise, we keep it a secret".  

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