Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Back to School

A 7th grader, 5th grader, 2nd grader, and pre-K...These guys are getting big.  Sam is taking all advanced courses and robotics as his elective...and is the go to guy in our family for historical information.  Davis is in Mrs. Painter/Birdsong class, same as Sam's teachers.  He seems to be doing well, and liking his cub scout responsibility to raise the flag each day with his buddy Isaac Puckett.  Belle has Mrs. Cespedes, which we all like saying her name around the house.  And little Ruby has a whole blog to her beginning school this year, so no more on here for now.  
I have gotten to see the kids during the Cub Scout rally, where we come to each of the classes.  And I just yesterday got to eat lunch with both Davis (10:28 AM) and Belle (11:07 AM)...may be considered breakfast.  But it is always fun getting to see them in their school environments.  Little Ruby is most of the time up to see them off on the bus, and runs to give them all hugs (especially Sam) when they get off the bus.

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