Saturday, August 12, 2017

Zoo Trip

Magan had a photo session, so I decided to take them to the zoo.  Don't remember much about this trip, but this was the first (and probably ONLY) time they got to go down the slides...we had some free tickets.   One trip down the slides...5 seconds...$5...Crazy, unless you have free tickets.
The other thing that cracked me up was Ruby and the flamingos.  Davis bought some food to feed the flamingos, and after I tried it Ruby said she wanted to try.  Now, Ruby is NOT one to do things like this..."Im scared Daddy" is usually what I hear.  But instead as that flamingo leaned its head over and ate the food from Ruby's hand, I heard a belly shaking chuckle of laughter.  She just kept giggling and feeding those birds.  So funny.
It was also now pirate me and the kids had fun making fun of all the pirates along the train ride.  and we ended our day trying to wake up the sea lions. 


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