Friday, April 27, 2018

AHG Campout at Mount Cheaha

Mount Cheaha was selected for our Spring Campout with AHG, and this was a very difficult location for me because I like to camp near fast food, and this was not that place.  We would only get to campout one night because Anabelle had her baton recital the next Saturday evening, but we packed up and headed out.  We divided up in our typical setup with Sam and Davis in their own tent, the girls on the big mattress and me on my individual air pad in the big 6 man tent. 
The hammocks were a hit that some of the other girls brought, as there was constant singing and laughing from that area of the campsite.  We also were right next to a wedding ceremony that was also happening this weekend...which was weird, as we were dressed very differently from the party near the water then right next to our campsite. 
The campfire was fun where we found a new game of telling a story with "fortunately" then "unfortunately"...which similar to boys...also ended with some giggling poot stories.  I guess these girls all have brothers anyway. 
The next day we split from the AHG group to go ahead and go to the top of Mount Cheaha.  We have never been here and it was a fun place.  We later took a longer than expected wooden walkway out to Bald Rock.  This was a really fun trip, and Magan's third night in a tent this year...we are starting to be pros at this...but crazy how full our van is for these one night campouts...not forgetting our mattress, our pillows, our coolers, our kitchen sink...


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