Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Robotics Championship

So this was our first opportunity to actually go to an event that Sam was a part of in awhile.  He had been talking about the robotics club all year, and we realized he was doing...stuff...but we just didn't know what that stuff really was.  Anyway, apparently he was building a robot that could pick up these rings, push buttons, move rings to other areas...anyway, there was a big set of rules and we saw the playing field and figured it out a little bit.  But since we both had no idea what this way, I took the day off work and magan also came down.  We quickly realized that we were kinda in the way, and kinda the only parents there, so we watched some practice sessions then walked around midtown enjoying an unplanned date. 
Sam was the only 7th grader on his team...others were 8th graders, but he was definitely in charge of that robot...it was not working at first, and he quickly starting repairing, making me realize maybe he was getting something out of the club.  I asked him how much involvement he had in building the robot, and his explanation was "Well, I would let them build some different ideas, but I would go ahead and make the robot that would work when their's didn't".  haha...funny stuff.  Their robot did get into the top 10, and I watched one performance where they got 26 points in one round...but once they got into the top ten, then faced off against world (yep, I said world...they are in top 100) champions Oak Mountain, that got 110 points in one round.  Their robot was amazing.  But I think Sam has some new ideas for next year. 
Our date was very nice, we started at a coffee shop, where we sipped on a latte.  Then made our way to Mugshots that Magan had been wanting to try.  Those burgers are huge and DEElicious, then over to a restaurant "Southern Kitchen" to try their banana pudding crème brulee...Oh so good.  But mainly just hanging out with a woman clearly out of my league that somehow still likes hanging out with me.  She left me a little after lunch, but I hung around all day to see the top 10 I spoke about earlier. 
Sam had to come back the next day, but they really didn't have to even compete, but I'm glad he was having fun with his buds...I asked him how the second day went, and he said they toured all over the Sheraton at the BJCC, said they couldn't get past the guard to get to the Westin, said they tried every escalator and elevator they could find...now that is how I remember getting out of school in Junior High...and seeing the smile on his face...I know that is how he will remember this one.  



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