Saturday, April 14, 2018

Around the House

Just a hodge podge of pictures being captured...
- A trip to a new small park in Chelsea, and silly kids "hanging" around
- Ruby winning awards at her "field day"
- Ruby taking "lamby" to the hair dresser.  "Lamby" got a hair do with Ruby.  Ruby even brought Lamby to sit under the dryer and wash it out in the sink. 
- Sam's "passion project" at school was to build and provide instructions for the Star Wars AT-AT.  I was pretty impressed that he built this just from his seeing it. 
- Donuts with Dad day at school with Davis and Belle
- Trip to ChuckECheese
- Fun times with the Pressure Washer...Yeah, its still least for the next 6 months or so...
- Tow Motor with granddad
- Zoo on a Daddy/Mommy/Ruby day

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