Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Davis turns 12!

Happy Birthday Davis!  Isn't it weird if you are reading this on your actual birthday.  Well you turned 12 and I decided to write this blog as if you were reading this because I get to a point writing blogs that I am ready to stop writing blogs for the night and go watch Moonstruck with you and your Mom right now.  Why are you guys watching a Nick Cage and Cher movie?  Did you pick that out?  So really I am now just writing so I don't have to watch Nick Cage.  Sam is sitting beside me right now doing homework...imagine that.  And the girls just went to bed laughing after the meatball song. 
So we hit your birthday at Marco's pizza right after haircuts.  Remember how Sam got his hair butchered by the other lady, while you got Andrea that cuts my hair and does much better.  I am pretty sure your favorite gift was the cell phone, and I still laugh at your excitement that you now had "data!" 
Your actual birthday party was great too, but this is the one that you were not feeling very well. Actually, you are still laying on the couch right now not feeling well.  Hope you feel well while reading this.  Anyway, Nick Cage is probably not helping any.  Glad you made some attempts at smiling as I know it was definitely hard to smile on these days.  

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