Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Around the House

So what was going on this month?  Sam was awarded a Career and Technical Education award "Project Lead the Way".  Sam is pretty quiet about this award, so we didn't really know what he got it for until we asked another teacher there.  She said it was based on grades, teamwork, and attitude in technical classes.  It was awarded to Sam by his robotics teacher Mr. Thompson. 
We also had random pictures with Oreo...Anabelle's goals to get better at ping pong (I am trying to find time for this Belle, let me know if I never helped you get better and we will go play a game now)...ruby visiting Sam for his GRE update...Watching Dumbo...Sam's braces finally coming off...hunting easter eggs...field days...TSA robotics tournament...Church Kid's class...And Davis reaches the Tenderfoot (Not to be confused with the AHG tenderheart rank) rank in Boy Scouts.  


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